The Joy of a Child’s Stocking

   By Partnership

This past holiday season was a difficult time for the Pass Creek District on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, with weather and a flu outbreak causing long school closures. One bright spot was a Children’s Stocking distribution for 350 students at the American Horse School, courtesy of the Northern Plains Reservation Aid® (NPRA) program of Partnership With Native Americans® (PWNA).

Our Partner, Jennifer, works for the school’s Family and Child Education (FACE) program, which promotes the educational development of younger children and their families through active learning and parental involvement. Jennifer said students were happy to receive the gifts and shared, “They were excited! They loved it and really appreciated it.” Jennifer explained that some items in the stockings are considered luxuries, saying, “A lot of the things in there, people wouldn’t go get for themselves. I know a lot of kids pull stuff from the stockings and use it as Christmas presents for their parents.”

There is a 50% poverty rate on the Pine Ridge Reservation, more than double the rate in the United States. With a job shortage and few retail stores available, shopping for the holidays can be a challenge.

This year, 5-year-old Tyrus of the Oglala Sioux Tribe received his first-ever Children’s Stocking from NPRA. Tyrus and his 3-year-old cousin Aiden participate in the school’s FACE program and live together in a large household with eight adults and eight children.

Aiden’s mom, Madison, noted the items from the stocking would be expensive to buy locally. Right now, the family is dealing with the challenge of having enough propane for the winter, which keeps them warm and allows them to use utilities. Madison explained, “The propane got low recently, so we have to conserve and do less laundry.” She added that Tyrus receiving the stocking saved them money on helpful supplies.

Tyrus’ parents both work as janitors at the local youth center. His mom, Tashena, explained that her son is already health-conscious at a young age. She shared, “He enjoyed the hat, the sanitizer, and the face masks. It was a good stocking, and it meant a lot. Thank you!”

Tyrus told us that he especially liked the checker game and Paw Patrol coloring book from his stocking.

A donation to NPRA is a bright smile on a child’s face when they open their Children’s Stocking. Donate today to bring joy to Native children like Tyrus.