Native American Heritage Month – A Time to Celebrate & Become NativeAware©

   By Helen Oliff

November ushers in Native American Heritage Month – a time to elevate the achievements and culture of First Americans. Despite having a rich history that spans centuries, people tend to forget what Native American tribes have contributed to western society to make lives better in the U.S. Take Native military service alone – it is unmatched by any other U.S. racial or ethnic group. While we all should recognize and honor the tribes 365 days a year, and Native American Heritage Month is a special time to get involved.  

PWNA encourages everyone to observe #NAHM by shopping with Native-owned businesses to help put money into tribal communities, asking employers to match your gift to Native nonprofits, making a pledge to be #NativeAware, learning the real story of Thanksgiving, or donating a Thanksgiving meal or water to a Native Elder in need.

Follow PWNA this Heritage Month, and we’ll show you:

  • How to cook traditional Native recipes
  • Where to learn Native languages
  • What tribal land you live on
  • A Thanksgiving lesson plan for your kids

Additionally, throughout November, PWNA will be giving away prizes and selling t-shirts that make great gifts and show you are NativeAware©. Native American Heritage Month is also a good opportunity for you to help others become more NativeAware about history, the unique challenges the tribes are facing and how PWNA helps.

Did you know that Native Americans account for 3.7 million in the U.S., with 1 in 3 Native Americans living in poverty and less than 1% of all U.S. charitable giving supporting Native causes? 

This cannot and should not stand. That’s why this November we are asking you to show your appreciation for First Americans:  Donate for Thanksgiving meals. Your gift can help make this Heritage Month one to remember.

1 Comment

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  1. Tuck

    I support Native American Heritage Month.

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