Holiday Cheer on the Winnebago Reservation

   By Partnership

On remote reservations in the Northern Plains, Native Elders struggle against enormous odds which only increase during bitterly cold winters. To help keep them warm and feeling the holiday spirit, Partnership With Native Americans® (PWNA) teams up with Tribal organizations through the Elder Gift Bag service of its Native American Aid (NAA) program. Partners like Janet on the Winnebago Reservation of Nebraska receive holiday stockings stuffed full of hygiene and comfort items. One recent beneficiary was 73-year-old Charlene who was particularly excited to find bottles of water in her bag. “I drink water so fast!” she exclaimed. “I don’t like tap water because it has sediments, even when you’re cooking.”

Holiday Cheer on the Winnebago Reservation

Like families everywhere, Native American peoples strive to provide for their children and comfort their Elders. Yet on remote reservations in the Northern Plains, they struggle against enormous odds which only increase during bitterly cold winters. To help keep Elders warm and feeling the holiday spirit, Partnership With Native Americans® (PWNA) teams up with Tribal organizations through its Native American Aid (NAA) program.

Through NAA’s Elder Gift Bag service, Program Partners like Janet B. on the Winnebago Reservation of Nebraska receive holiday stockings stuffed full of hygiene and comfort items. These products range from disaster blankets to books to hand sanitizer.

73-year-old Charlene E. was particularly excited to find bottles of water in her bag. “I drink water so fast!” she exclaimed. “I don’t like tap water because it has sediments, even when you’re cooking.” 

Charlene has a medical condition that leaves her body especially dry. She told us, “Water really helps, so I drink a lot of it.” Rising prices have made even bottled water a luxury item. “A 32 oz bottle of water went up to $6. I couldn’t believe it!” she exclaimed.

Charlene also found a bottle of body oil, another “luxury item” that made her smile wide. The oil will help with her dry skin. She noted, “I live alone and have nobody to help me, so I pour it down my back.” Despite living alone and struggling with medical issues, Charlene was happy to say that her whole family lives nearby. In fact, Charlene was born in Winnebago and remembers how it was years ago. “The highway was gravel. Modern cars would never have made it!” she laughed.

Between a limited income and few local shopping options, receiving an Elder Gift Bag meant the world to Charlene. She wants donors to know that “they help a lot of people. Elders need things like this. I’ve been doing without a few things like body oil because it’s too expensive.” Native Americans experience higher rates of poverty than Whites, irrespective of age.

PWNA’s NAA program addresses a wide variety of needs among children, adults, and Elderly Native Americans using services like the Elder Gift Bags. To support this important work, NAA seeks donations from caring people throughout the country. Donate to NAA today to help make life better for vulnerable Elders like Charlene.

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