Welcome to the National Relief Charities Blog!

   By Partnership

People blog because they have a voice and they want that voice to be heard. It is no different in the world of nonprofits, but things change daily that affect our work, like IRS regulations and social media trends. Nonprofits have to deal with these issues without losing focus on the most important part of our work – our mission and purpose — and central to meeting our mission is informing the public who we serve and why.

So, through this blog, NRC will voice realities of life for the people we serve and our mission at National Relief Charities: To help Native American people improve the quality of their lives by providing opportunities for them to bring about positive  changes in their communities.

Over nearly 20 years, NRC has gained in cultural competency and programming that works in Native communities – by working with reservation communities and others in our industry that support Native causes. NRC is committed to presenting accurate information about Native American peoples and the humanitarian concerns we address.

We encourage you to watch this blog, where we will be covering Native, humanitarian and program-specific topics that impact tribes today. And, we encourage you to interact with us and share your experiences, stories, comments and questions to help us make the world a better place!



Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.

  1. Ramona Hopkins

    I will like to say as a american indian. Even the leadership on the reservation is so unfair. because the leadership in every district on the rez. the money that needs to go to every poor indian is not going to them and the person on low tetom pole is always gets passed over. Since, the top person will pocket the funds and they never get audit to see were it is going. That is the reason we have alot of poor poeple on the rez. and these american indians will never tell on each other. So the people that need to help on rez. should do a little homework before giving money out, before the higher up get rich and keep the poor even poorer.

  2. Shannon Albert

    Ramona, we appreciate your comment. As a humanitarian organization, NRC maintains political neutrality. We also employ common sense guidelines for accountability when our services are provided. But we do understand that corruption exists in every community and culture… even affluent communities… it seems to be part of human nature. Sadly, corruption does help to perpetuate poverty. And this may seem more prevalent in communities where scarcity exists, because the needs of the people are higher and the lack of resources is felt more acutely. Knowing how to work within this reality is part of what makes us good at what we do. We know that true leaders are community-minded, and NRC works with leaders such as teachers, CHR’s, elderly nutrition center cooks, youth shelter counselors, and others who directly serve community members. These partners are dedicated to creating positive change in their communities. Our most recent post on Poverty dated February 28 also touches on the social problem of poverty and community leaders who are creating change. Again, thanks for sharing.

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