Most Popular Blogs That Held Your Attention in 2023

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Wars of Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza, disasters in Maui and Florida and hate crimes for Asians. Blacks and Jews – these impacted millions of people and captured the lion’s share of media attention in 2023. Some topics (think U.S. politics) were predominant every day even to the point of overexposure. At the same time, topics such as Indian Country are routinely underexposed with little media coverage. So, we are thankful you devoted some of your reading time and attention to our blogs and Native news.

Besides becoming more NativeAware®, we saw other positives in 2023 too, like your support to help us change lives on reservations. All the food and water, school supplies and scholarships, leadership development, emergency preparedness, etc. we provided are thanks to you. And together, we closed the year knowing holiday gifts helped bring smiles to Native Elders and children on the reservations.

Your Favorite Blogs

For those of you who follow our blog regularly, topics on food, equity and representation had the highest readership:

Topics like culture, water insecurity and giving gained the most engagement. These were your favorites:

2024 Predictions

2024 is an election year, so we’ll hear lots about that in the coming months. Stay tuned later this week (Thursday) for some 2024 Predictions from our President & CEO, Joshua Arce of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation of Kansas.

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